
“You’re trying to remember something too important to forget.”

~Naomi Shihab Nye

What can you expect?

  • safe space
  • non-judgmental interaction
  • permission to be honest

Making changes in our lives may seem like a simple task. But in reality, it can literally feel earth moving. Having gone through it myself, many times over, I feel confident that I can meet you in this place and walk you through the process of getting the life you want! There are some basic tools I use for enacting real change that is lasting and that can identify internal judgements that may be getting in the way of enjoyment or taking care of yourself.

This is about the person who visits. This isn’t about recipes or goals or steps necessarily. This is an organic experience. It’s different for each individual. I can help you identify and claim your own authentic self.


Each session is:

  • Flexible
  • Safe
  • Non-judgmental



  • one on one sessions – 1hr $100 – $150*
  • on-going groups – meet 2x’s/month $100-$150
  • mediations – 2hrs $200 – $300


  • 60 min – $100 -$150
  • 90 min – $150 – $200

Ask about packages and savings on regular coaching and bodywork.

* Where there is a range in prices I ask that you choose what you can afford.